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Nederland ICT and DINL organise event ‘Future skills for the digital economy’
On Thursday February 9th, Nederland ICT and DINL organise the (free) event ‘Future skills for the digital economy’: an event for and by the digital sector and education. Due to the growing Dutch economy, the demand for digital talent is increasing rapidly. The question is: how do we educate capable workers for the jobs of tomorrow? In what way can education and corporations cooperate adequately? And how do you recruit female digital experts.
Raise your voice?
This event is hosted by BIT in Ede, one of the largest datacenters in the Netherlands. The programme includes interesting keynotes, discussions and high profile case studies of businesses that have already changed their direction. Click here to see a list of the speakers for this event.
Target audience
This event is meant for decision makers in HR & IT and program managers in education. It will be a day about change: change in your team, change in educational programmes and change in the cooperation between education and corporate life.
Interested? There is limited seating, so register quickly on: https://talent.dinl.nl/registreren/