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New expansions on the BIT Portal
Over the past year, many expansions were made on the BIT Portal. We would like to bring a number of these expansions to your attention.
Managing Contacts
It is now possible to manage your own (contact) data in the portal. You can enter new address data, add new contacts or remove them. You can assign a role to each of these contacts within your organisation, which information they should receive from BIT and which rights they have in the portal. For communication outside of the portal, you can give BIT an authorisation scheme, where you can specify with contacts are authorised to approve expenses at BIT.
Datacenter visit
You can add employees’ licence plates in the portal if they need to visit BIT, for example to do maintenance on your equipment in our datacenters. When the datacenter visit is registered, the gates will automatically open for them. Clients with electrical and/or plug-in hybrid cars are free to charge their batteries inside the gates and can check the amount of kWh that has been charged in the portal.
Managing mail service
Mail service clients at BIT can customise the passwords, settings and anti-spam settings of their accounts and domains in the portal. Emails that have been blocked by the virus filter can be released and the queues of the bSMTP mail domains can be boosted, for example if your mail server has been temporarily offline.
The secure-box in the portal allows you to share sensitive and/or confidential information with BIT employees, like passwords. BIT employees will provide you with such information in the secure-box in the portal. The portal offers many more possibilities than mentioned above, feel free to click around there. Do you not yet have a portal account or do you have questions on its use? Please contact us.