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BIT organises Safe Internet Bootcamp
Wednesday May 10, 2017 – BIT-MeetMe in Ede
On Wednesday May 10, 2017, BIT is organising a Safe Internet Bootcamp. The programme starts at 14.30 and ends at 17.40 with a networking reception with drinks and bites.
How safe are your employees online?
Research shows that employees’ knowledge on safety on the internet is often lacking. The numbers do not lie, because more than half (52%) considers themselves the weakest link in the security of the working computer and confidential data!
Not just an employee’s conscious and responsible acting is of importance, but also the organisations that offer services on the internet need to take measures to ensure the privacy of the users. Do we know how privacy should be protected with all this data being made public? It is a nightmare for organisations to have confidential and personal information out in the open.
So it is high time to get your organisation in shape and raise awareness for safe, free and open internet while ensuring privacy!
For whom?
The Safe Internet Bootcamps is interesting for IT managers and professionals. The most important goal is to share knowledge on privacy and security and to give advice on the steps that should be taken to have employees use the internet in a safer way. How aware are your colleagues? Do they know the dangers and consequences for your organisation?
Some of the topics:
- How do you promote safe use of the internet within your organisation?
- Digitisation Dilemma: who is responsible?
- Insider threats; how to guard against them?
- How do you share sensitive data with clients and colleagues?
Check out the detailed program or register here directly!
Galileïlaan 17
6716 BP Ede
Expert (guest)speakers from Bits of Freedom, Madison Gurkha and BIT will share startling results from our research report, give useful tips and take you along in a work-out on security awareness.