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From pabo to IT: Cristiaan Brans explains
Cristiaan Brans, IT-Professional and Account Manager Kerio at BIT, has had an interesting career so far. During his years in high school, he chose for the Nature and Technology courses in his HAVO education without knowing what he wanted to be later. After that, Christiaan started teacher training (PABO). So how did he get to become an IT professional?
I thought the PABO was a fun and interesting education where I had a great time. However, I stopped halfway through. This was mostly due to hobby that had gotten out of control apart from my studies: gaming. Shooting games in particular were my thing. I was getting more and more serious about it and I started applying myself to the online community. By organising LANs and, later, online tournaments, I sparked my interests in the technology behind it. How do they make these games? What does it take to make them work over the internet? I wanted to continue in this field and follow my heart. This meant that I had to drop out of my teacher training. My father has really supported me in this process and said to me: ‘You can stop your training, as long as you can keep your own pants up.’
Together with a small group, that I got to know online while gaming, I started a business. The online portal grew quickly and our game development skills were improving. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, this did not work out and I was forced to sell the business.
The experience still taught me a lot. By self-study, continuously asking questions and being curious about the way things work, I learned a lot about the internet, marketing, PR and game development. I am a broad-based person and always try to make use of this quality. That is how I ended up at BIT. It is a very versatile company and touches on many areas that interest me. BIT allows me the opportunity to employ my interests towards improving services for clients. I have now been working at BIT for over 10 years and continue my activities in game development as a hobby on the side.
My advice? Remain critical of yourself and think things through thoroughly. It also never worked for me to put all my money on the same horse, so you should spread your chances. Do not be afraid to make mistakes, you can bet on the wrong horse, but as long as you learn from it, you cannot go wrong. In my opinion, it is most important to follow your passion.
Source: AG Connect