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Employee does not feel responsible for security of corporate data
The majority expects the IT department to do all the work
Ede, April 11th 2017 – BITs ‘Internet Eigenwijs’ research shows that it is important to make employees fully aware of the best way to handle security in the workplace. More than half (52%) considers themselves to be the weakest link in the security of the work computer and corporate sensitive data. Internet (33%) comes in at a second place, followed by the virus scanner (10%). Not every employee notifies the IT department when they suspect cybercrime. No less than 15 percent of the employees never informs the responsible IT person and 20 percent only does so occasionally.
The IT-manager will work it out
The majority of the employees (70%) indicates that they believe the IT to be responsible for the security of computers at work and corporate sensitive data. Also, almost all employees (92%) are confident that the security measures their employer installed on the work computers are enough and assume they do not have to do anything to contribute to the security in the workplace.
Wido Potters, Manager Support & Sales at BIT, on the results: “Cybercriminals are becoming more and more professional. They have increasingly more access to technical tools, manpower and financial resources to execute an online attack. It is worrying that many employees do not report their suspicions of cybercrime. Therefore, it is crucial that IT managers and professionals start to raise awareness about the risks of online behaviour and its consequences in the workplace.”
To give IT professionals a handhold on the behaviour of employees, BIT is organising a Safe Internet Bootcamp on the 10th of May, 2017. This bootcamp is dedicated to the privacy and security policies within organisations. Participating is free of charge.