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‘Ceph Day Netherlands’: September 20th at BIT
You have bought a new storage solution from vendor X and for the first 6 months you cannot stop talking about how fast, robust, hip, etcetera your setup is. However, after those 6 months many things will disappoint you anyway and the solution will not perform exactly as you hoped it would. Another 6 months later there is no love lost between and vendor X anymore and you will simply have to deal with it. By the time the solution has been in place for a year and a half, you swear that you will never buy anything from vendor X ever again and you would really like to take the whole thing down today.
Recognise this?
Come to the ‘Ceph Day Netherlands’ on the 20th of September at BIT in Ede, Gelderland. Learn from users like TomTom how they feel about Ceph after so long. RedHat and SUSE tell you about the newest Ceph developments. 42on talks about what not to do to be able to stay ‘in love’ with Ceph. There is a lot of opportunity to share experiences and ask critical questions. 42on, BIT, RedHat and SUSE offer you the opportunity to attend the entire day, including lunch and drinks, for free. More information on the programme can be found here and you can register here.
Ceph is an open source, software defined storage system installed on commodity hardware and offers object storage, block storage and file storage. Also, Ceph is considered to be one of the most robust and scalable storage systems out there. Ceph users include the CERN, Deutsche Telekom, DigitalOcean and Rackspace.