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OpenNebula Techday: September 19th at BIT
That thing with that cloud, can’t we do that ourselves? Of course! And it is a lot easier than you think. Does it sound too good to be true? During the OpenNebula Techday at BIT you can build your own cloud in a hands-on tutorial in just one morning. You learn how OpenNebula works and why it is the solution to work with yourself. No needless and hidden complexity, but clear scripts that can easily be debugged in case you do come across a hard challenge. To give you some inspiration, SURFsara and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam demonstrate how they use OpenNebula. One of the developers of the OpenNebula Systems will show you the newest features of the most recent 5.4 relase and how you can ‘cloudify’ a VMware environment. BIT will tell you why Ceph is the right choice for a cloud storage platform. If you want to know more about Ceph, you can also come to the BIT Ceph Day the day after.
Thanks to BIT and OpenNebula Systems will be free, including lunch and drinks. More information on the program can be found here and registration can be done here.
OpenNebula is a robust open source Cloud Management Platform (CPM). It stands out in its simplicity, flexibility and a no-nonsense approach. You can use it to manage virtual datacenters or build hybrid clouds. Both public cloud/local resources as a mix of different types of hypervisors (VMware, KVM, Xen).