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BIT supports police in fight against internet crime
BIT uses its knowledge of internet technologies, the operation of email services and the hosting of websites in the Greenfield Cyber project. This project has been started by the National Police in order to diminish the number of cyber problems. Within the Greenfield, the police is organising a smart cooperation with banks, ISPs and governments to share knowledge and forge coalitions. The aim is to understand the motives and way of operations of the cybercriminal, develop barriers and interventions and then use those against cybercrime. The phenomenon called ‘phishing’ is tackled first.
Wido Potters, Manager Sales & Support at BIT: “With the current increase of influence from digital developments in our society, cybercrime is increasing as well. The Greenfield Cyber project is a good initiative to help make the internet a little safer again and we are happy to participate. As a part of the internet industry, we think it is our duty to provide everyone with a safe, open and free internet where privacy is guaranteed. In addition, we want to ensure that the trust in the internet will not be lost. As an ISP, we notice that the online crime is reducing confidence in the internet and that is not a good thing for the digital economy.”