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National Data Center Day
Following the success of the previous editions of the National Data Center Day, data centers affiliated with the DDA (Dutch Datacenter Association) are opening their doors to interested parties on Tuesday 12 June. This provides the opportunity to take a unique look at our data centers.
An engineer will happily guide you through our high-end data centers. This will give you a clear idea about what it means to be a professional data center and how we use modern technologies at BIT to deliver continuity, performance and availability.
Register for a tour
Companies that are interested can come and take a look in our fascinating data centers. Click here to sign up by using the online form.*
We would be pleased to welcome you on Tuesday 12 June at our conference centre BIT-MeetMe
Galileïlaan 17
6716 BP Ede
Dutch Datacenter Association
The Dutch Data Center Association (DDA) is the branch organisation of data centers in the Netherlands, the foundation of the digital economy. DDA connects the market-leading data centers in the Netherlands with a single mission: strengthening economic growth and profiling the data center sector to the government, media and society.
* Please register in advance. A valid ID is required to access our data centers.