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Municipality Ede organises security night for entrepreneurs
When hearing the term ‘organised crime’, people quickly think of a famous Hollywood production or something that only happens in the Randstad. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Even the Municipality of Ede knows organised crime. By means of a security night, the municipality means to warn entrepreneurs for the dangers of such organised crime, because anyone can be a victim. How vulnerable are you as an entrepreneur, how do you recognise this and what should you do when you have to deal with this?
On Monday night, June 11, the Municipality of Ede, the Platform Safe Entrepeneurship (PVO) and a number of entrepreneurs from Ede organise a security night to inform entrepreneurs about organised crime and what they can do against it.
Unfortunately, we too have to deal with undermining. Wido Potters, manager Customer Care & Sales at BIT: “As an Internet Service Provider we have to go up against undermining as well. Think about legal ISP services being used for illegal activities, think about mailservers for spam runs, domains and VM’s for phishing.” Wido will address this form of undermining in his presentation.
Minister Dekker of Legal Protection will also be attending this evening.
The program:
18.00 hrs - Doors open with a drink and a bite
18.30 hrs - Welcome and introduction by mayor Verhulst
18.50 hrs - Welcome and presentation by BIT
19.00 hrs - Els Prins (secretary MKB Nederland) about national and regional developments and what the small-to-medium business can mean for entrepreneurs
19.25 hrs - Interview with Roy Verheij (Silver Vast B.V.) about how he involuntarily got involved in a sophisticated drug lab
19.35 hrs - Network dinner
Sign up
The security night will take place in the conference centre BIT-MeetMe in Ede. You can sign up below.
Sign up
Galileïlaan 17
6716 BP Ede