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BIT Portal renewed and extended with two-factor authentication
A new version of the BIT-Portal is online now. When you login to the portal, you will find a new design and more functionalities than before.
The most important change is the introduction of two-factor authentication. By adding an extra level to the authentication, the access to your account is better protected now.
New functionalities
Two-factor authentication
As an extra layer of security, we have expanded the BIT-Portal with two-factor authentication. This means that the rights administrator has the option to only allow access to client environments with a double access check.
New framework
The portal has a completely new framework that can prevent some functions form working differently than before.
Mobile and web interfaces integrated
The specific mobile part of the portal is no longer available, but integrated in the web interface. All functionalities on the web interface are now operable on mobile browsers as well.
Questions or access to the BIT-Portal
If you have any questions, or if you are a client and do not have access to our BIT-Portal yet, please feel free to contact us.