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Malfunction authoritative name servers
19-03-2019 13:28:44
- 19-03-2019 17:30:00
Since ~13:25h our authoritative name servers stopped responding to all requests. This incident is under investigation. Updates on this incident will be placed on the website.
Update placed at 13:59h
We notice large quantities of requests on our name servers. The reason for the sharp rise in requests is under investigation.
Update placed at 14:39h
More than 25 times the baseline of DNS requests are being sent. Multiple mitigation measures have been applied. The mitigation is success full. Most requests are being replied, but often with a delay. Domains using our name servers should be available most of the times. DNS traffic is being DDoS scrubbed. Obviously non-legimitate hosts are being blocked. Capacity of the DNS platform has been scaled up. However since the increased amount of requests are technically valid and have a large number of sources, these mentioned counter measures will not prevent all the nuisance. Our engineers are still working on solutions.
Update placed at 16:21h
Further mitigation measures have been applied, these result in less nuisance, but the problem regarding our authoritative nameservers is still ongoing. Our engineers are still working on solutions.
Update placed at 17:24h
Since around 17:05h the number of requests has decreased to the normal level. We will keep an eye on our nameservers.
Update placed at 13:59h
We notice large quantities of requests on our name servers. The reason for the sharp rise in requests is under investigation.
Update placed at 14:39h
More than 25 times the baseline of DNS requests are being sent. Multiple mitigation measures have been applied. The mitigation is success full. Most requests are being replied, but often with a delay. Domains using our name servers should be available most of the times. DNS traffic is being DDoS scrubbed. Obviously non-legimitate hosts are being blocked. Capacity of the DNS platform has been scaled up. However since the increased amount of requests are technically valid and have a large number of sources, these mentioned counter measures will not prevent all the nuisance. Our engineers are still working on solutions.
Update placed at 16:21h
Further mitigation measures have been applied, these result in less nuisance, but the problem regarding our authoritative nameservers is still ongoing. Our engineers are still working on solutions.
Update placed at 17:24h
Since around 17:05h the number of requests has decreased to the normal level. We will keep an eye on our nameservers.
The incident has been resolved. If you have any questions regarding this incident, please contact the Customer Care department by phone on +31 (0)318 648 688 or by email on support@bit.nl.