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BIT nominated for IaaS/PaaS supplier of the Year
Computable, the largest IT platform of the Netherlands, has nominated BIT for IaaS/PaaS Supplier of the Year. BIT has earned the nomination for the collaboration with Elinex Partner Solutions for the BACS monitoring system.
From UPS to BACS
Elinex has provided our emergency power supply for the last fifteen years. The collaboration started with the instalment of one Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). Ever since then, the partnership has developed and now we have eighteen UPSs of 200kW and up. This ensures BIT’s power supply, even in a possible crisis situation.
BIT and Elinex recently boosted the emergency power supply with the introduction and implementation of the Battery Analysis & Care System (BACS) in all data centers. This allows us to monitor our batteries in real-time. A big leap compared to the interval checks that we used to do. In addition, the continuous monitoring increases the lifespan of the batteries, because faults are quickly recognised and corrected. This decreases the impact on the other batteries if one is not functioning perfectly. This way, end-users can always continue their business without any interruptions, whatever happens.
Are you voting?
A professional jury determines the winner for 50 percent. The other 50 percent is determined by a public vote. You can vote for the Computable Awards 2019 from July 4th.
More information about our nomination can be found here.