Periodic maintenance cooling system BIT-2BCD

Periodic maintenance cooling system BIT-2BCD

16-10-2019 08:00:00 - 16-10-2019 17:30:00

Urgency: Planned
Affected services:
- Equipment in BIT-2BCD
Expected impact: Slight increase in temperature
Customer intervention required: No
Reference number: 164766
Contact: +31 318 648 688,


Periodic maintenance chillers and downflow units BIT-2BCD


The downflow units (responsible for blowing cold air in the data centers) will be shut down for maintenance one at a time. This may result in a slight temporary increase in temperature in specific parts of the data center.

The chillers of BIT-2BCD will be shut down for maintenance one at a time as well. The remaining three chillers have sufficient capacity to cool the data center.

This maintenance will be supervised by BIT engineers who will monitor the temperature in the data center closely.