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CephFS storage issue
04-12-2019 20:32:15
- 04-12-2019 21:00:00
Today at 20:20 hrs, one of the Meta Data Servers providing the CephFS shared storage experienced a crash. This has caused a temporary IO-stall on the filesystems of several minutes.
BIT engineers were alerted and are investigating the root cause.
Follow the incident on our website for updates concerning this incident.
Update: 20:52
We've hit the same bug as in november this year. Unfortunate as this is, we do have a little more information to take back to the Ceph developers in hope of finding a cause and fix for this bug.
The filesystems are back online and available. BIT engineers are checking the systems for normal functioning.
BIT engineers were alerted and are investigating the root cause.
Follow the incident on our website for updates concerning this incident.
Update: 20:52
We've hit the same bug as in november this year. Unfortunate as this is, we do have a little more information to take back to the Ceph developers in hope of finding a cause and fix for this bug.
The filesystems are back online and available. BIT engineers are checking the systems for normal functioning.