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BIT gets recertification for ISO 27001 & NEN 7510
In an earlier article about our recertification audit, we have reported that DEKRA, the organisation that is responsible for our ISO 27001 and NEN 7510 audits, had been suspended for the norms ISO 27001, NEN 7510 and ISO 20001. The consequence for us was that our certificates were not available in time to connect to the validity of the certificates that were in place at the time. As you may expect from us, we have been on top of DEKRA constantly to get us our ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and NEN 7510-1:2017 certificates. We are therefore happy to report that we have received the certificates and have made them available for you in our portal.
Validity dates certificates
On both certificates you will see ‘Valid from date’ 2020-02-13. In the case of the ISO 27001 certificate, this is because that is the date the certification process was completed by DEKRA for our certificate. In the case of the NEN 7510 certificate, this has to do with a correction that occurred, which adjusted the location indication. In addition, the ‘Valid until date’ of the NEN 7510 certificate is 2021-01-01 instead of 2023-01-01. This is because the certificate by DEKRA has been issued under the NEN licence, without accreditation from the Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA). As soon as the accreditation from DEKRA for NEN 7510-1:2017 has been completed, BIT will receive a new NEN 7510 certificate that has been completed with an ‘accreditation stamp’ and a ‘valid until date’ of 2023-01-01.
ISO 27001 & NEN 7510 certified
With the ISO 27001 and NEN 7510 recertification, BIT demonstrably meets the strict norms for information security once again. The ISO 27001 and NEN 7510 recertification concerns the full scope of information security related to data center services, ISP servicing, domain registration, internet access, webhosting, e-,ail, VOIP, managed hosting and cloud services, customer-specific advice and technical management of all aforementioned services and the supply of hardware and software.
The new ISO 27001 and NEN 7510 certificates are available in our portal, both in Dutch and English. The corresponding statement of applicability for both certificates has also been placed in the portal.
Would you like to learn more about the certifications of our data centers?
We are pleased we can provide you with ISO 27001 and NEN 7510 certificates as a reward for our commitment to information security that come with our services and thank you for your patience in waiting for the availability of the certificates.
Do you have any questions about this article or do you want to know more about our certifications? Please feel free to contact us.