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Organise your meeting or event in BIT-MeetMe
Since June 1, we have been able to resume our activities in BIT-MeetMe and we have started organising meetings for up to 30 people. Naturally, we have taken measurements to provide you and your guests with a hygienic environment. It goes without saying that we adhere to the guidelines of the RIVM.
A tour through our data centers?
Would you like a tour through our data centers with your relations? You can do this via a live stream so that you can give your customers a virtual look behind the scenes and our engineers can answer all your questions.
Book your meeting, meeting or event now
In BIT-MeetMe you can use various rooms, which are fully equipped. Combining different rooms and spaces is also possible. For more information, visit www.bit-meetme.nl or book your meeting directly! Contact us at info@bit-meetme.nl or +31 318 695 959.
If you do not have a cold, fever or other symptoms, you are very welcome to come and organise your meetings in BIT-MeetMe.