BIT Portal statistics unavailable

BIT Portal statistics unavailable

22-08-2020 20:19:29 - 22-08-2020 22:05:00
Status: opgelost

The BIT Portal statistics aren't working right now. We are working to find a solutions and will keep you posted.
Update placed at 21:27
The module for statistics in the portal uses Influxdb, a time-series database. The database software is malfunctioning and it is still unclear what the cause for the malfunction is. BIT engineers continue to troubleshoot the issue. This incident only affects the statistics view in the portal, other services are unaffected. Follow the incident on our website for updates concerning this incident.
Update placed at 22:00
The database server consumes a lot of RAM memory. The operating system did not supply the database with enough memory. After a kernel configuration change it does. Statistics in the portal are noqw available.

The incident has been resolved. If you have any questions regarding this incident, please contact the Customer Care department by phone on +31 (0)318 648 688 or by email on