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Do you also want to work at the largest employer in Ede?
Of all the companies in Ede, BIT has the largest number of employees. Right now, during the corona crisis, you do not see this reflected in the parking lots or in the number of people in the office. Before
temporarily working from home became the standard, this was also not a good indicator. Even from the number of servers we host it is not easy to deduce exactly how big BIT is.
Availability and capacity of data centers are more crucial than ever
Availability and capacity of data centers are more crucial than ever This is because, within our data centers, we host many servers and environments from hosting providers and system integrators. These are
cloud services, but also payment systems and office automation systems. Several companies no longer house their ICT environment in their own premises ("on premise"), but in a professional and reliable data center with a proven track record. For example, tens of thousands of students and thousands of care providers use the services of BIT on a daily basis. Organizations such as insurers, medical centers, governments and financial service providers also benefit from the services of BIT and those of our customers. Consider processing your new insurance policy; for this, people work on servers hosted at BIT. The availability of systems and the capacity of data centers are now, in view of the corana virus and the amount of people working from home, even more crucial. Especially now, digitization is implemented at a faster rate and the services provided by BIT are increasingly important.
Of course we not only work, but we also make time to relax. Through online shopping or gaming for example. Products are bought through web shops and paid for in our “department store” where the cash registers ring continuously. Payments that you have made via PIN transactions at the supermarket or petrol stations flash through our data centers. In many cases, BIT also plays a role when it comes to stock management. Our employees take care of this by keeping stock systems available, which many logistics service providers host at BIT.
A safe and reliable environment for video calling
All those people who are employed by BIT are now forced by the corona crisis to work from home as much as possible. To maintain continuity in all these processes, initiatives are being devised for the so-called one and a half meter society. Video calling has become a daily ritual for most people. We also offer a safe and reliable service for this based on the open source Jitsi application. With a private Jitsi from BIT you can configure privacy and security settings according to your own wishes. In addition, we can offer you a data processor agreement with this service and an SLA is supplied as standard.
Do you also want to work at BIT?
Do you need a reliable environment for your automation and servers? Do you need a fallback option for your ICT? Then come work at BIT!
Ask us about the possibilities and about the different suppliers who can help you with this. Contact us on 0318 648 688 or sales@bit.nl.
By: Walter Jansen