Brief power failure at BIT-1 and BIT-2

Brief power failure at BIT-1 and BIT-2

06-10-2014 04:52:34 - 06-10-2014 07:00:34
Status: opgelost

At 03:57 there was a brief interruption of the power supply from our supplier in our data centers. This is well captured by the Emergency Services. Engineers of BIT are checking everything.

Update posted on 10/06/14, 05:43 by Bart Vrancken

The check revealed that the BIT-2A module, which checks the mains voltage, is not properly functioning anymore.

This module is currently being replaced, and in the event of a power failure when replacing the module, this part of the installation will be manually switched.

Update posted on 10/06/14, 06:59 by Bart Vrancken

The faulty module is replaced. The installation is tested and is working properly again.

As a precaution, the relay of the module will also be replaced. The supplier will be approached for a replacement relay.