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Curfew: Data centers available 24/7 and remote hands and brains possible
22-01-2021 10:36:37
Below, we repeat the list of guidelines that we currently employ. Before your visit, always check our website in case these guidelines have been changed, or contact us via info@bit.nl or +31 318 648 688 in case you have any questions.
- We limit physical contact with customers. Conference calls are used as much as possible.
- Most hands-on work in the data center is carried out free of charge by our engineers.
- Call on BIT so that physical contact is limited. We insist that visitors with symptoms that are consistent with corona virus, postpone their visit or call on BIT for the work.
- You must follow up on the hygiene measures as set by the RIVM. Wash your hands regularly, cough and sneeze into the inside of your elbow and use paper tissues.
- Customers and visitors are required to wear a mask within our data centers, work spaces and waiting area.