Maintenance power divider BIT-2A

Maintenance power divider BIT-2A

28-10-2014 05:00:00 - 28-10-2014 07:00:00

On Tuesday October 28th between 05:00 and 07:00 hrs there will be maintenance to the power divider of BIT-2A. During this maintenance a relay will be replaced preventively.

This relay is located in the main divider and provides the switchover of the power supply of our office and the cooling system of BIT-2A.

After replacing this relay an emergency test will be performed and the cooling system will briefly (10 seconds maximum) failure. This may cause a momentary increase in the temperature in the space.

In the event that there is a power failure, our engineers will manually switch to emergency power.

This maintenance will be in imitation of the power failure on October 6th.

If you have questions or comments regarding this service, please contact the Customer Care Department on +31 (0)318 648 688 or via