Malfunctioning UPS BIT-1 Feed B

Malfunctioning UPS BIT-1 Feed B

18-06-2021 18:26:09 - 18-06-2021 22:30:09
Status: opgelost

At 17:46 hrs one of the two UPS'es (Feed B) started to malfunction. BIT engineers have put the UPS in bypass. This led to a short disruption of the power feed. The provider of the UPS system is underway to investigate the issue.

Update placed at 18/06/2021, 20:13 hrs
The provider of the UPS system is underway with spare parts. Estimated time of arrival is 21.30h. A bypass module will be replaced and checks will be performed.
Update placed at 18/06/2021, 22:27 hrs
The bypass module has been replaced. The UPS has beed tested and functions correctly.

The incident has been resolved. If you have any questions regarding this incident, please contact the Customer Care department by phone on +31 318 648 688 or by email on