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Mask no longer mandatory at BIT
25-06-2021 14:49:54
As of Saturday, June 26, it is no longer mandatory to wear a mask. When visiting BIT, wearing a mask is therefore no longer required when a distance of more than 1.5 meters can be kept.
Are you planning to visit BIT?
Please check the following in advance:
- Do you have corona related complaints such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat and/or a cold?
- Is your partner or your roommate infected with the coronavirus?
- Should you be quarantined, for example because you have returned from a high risk area?
Are all your answers to these questions "no"? Then we are happy to receive you.
However, please continue to follow the basic guidelines:
- Stay home in case of any symptoms.
- Wash or disinfect your hands regularly.
- Cough and sneeze into your elbow.
- Use paper tissues and throw them away after use.
- Refrain from shaking hands.
- Keep 1.5 meters distance if possible, otherwise wear a mask.