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DDoS attacks to BIT infrastructure
23-07-2021 16:52:33
Several DDoS attacks were today launched at BIT infrastructure. These attacks were first pointed to hosts of BIT customers. Both attacks were mitigated by rerouting the IP blocks that contain the attacked hosts through an anti-DDoS service. Twice for approximately a minute these attacks caused some performance issues in the rest of the network. The network was saturated in the period between launch of the attack and the moment the rest of the internet knew about the reroutes. Hosts in the rerouted IP blocks might have suffered from availability issues because the DDoS filters filtered to aggeressively in certain circumstances. These issues stroke up and disappeared in waves. The rest of the network was not affected by this.
Shortly after an attack was launched at several BIT target in the IP block that contains www.bit.nl. This attack was mitigated as well, but caused reachability problems of www.bit.nl. Therefor the incident notice was placed at www.bit.org. This site runs on infrastructure outside BIT's datacenters and network. Immediately after the incident notice at www.bit.org that site came under attack as well, which caused reachability issues. Consequently updates on the DDoS attacks and its mitigations were placed at twitter.com/bitnl
At the time of publication most DDoS attacks have ended. The reroutes for the IP blocks without ongoing attacks are cancelled. We will update the incident report on www.bit.org as soon as currently active reroutes are cancelled. This article is placed as a news items on www.bit.nl and not an incident, because it is not a new incident. We do want to communicate about today's DDoS attacks on this site though.
Shortly after an attack was launched at several BIT target in the IP block that contains www.bit.nl. This attack was mitigated as well, but caused reachability problems of www.bit.nl. Therefor the incident notice was placed at www.bit.org. This site runs on infrastructure outside BIT's datacenters and network. Immediately after the incident notice at www.bit.org that site came under attack as well, which caused reachability issues. Consequently updates on the DDoS attacks and its mitigations were placed at twitter.com/bitnl
At the time of publication most DDoS attacks have ended. The reroutes for the IP blocks without ongoing attacks are cancelled. We will update the incident report on www.bit.org as soon as currently active reroutes are cancelled. This article is placed as a news items on www.bit.nl and not an incident, because it is not a new incident. We do want to communicate about today's DDoS attacks on this site though.