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We carry on working from home
17-12-2021 11:21:04
Many of our clients have primarily been working from a distance since the beginning, using a video calling service to be able to see and hear colleagues, while they diligently go about their daily business at home in the attic, perhaps with a pet on their lap.
BIT is happy to help with this effort. In addition to the still popular public service meetme.bit.nl, we have offered a hosted Jitsi video calling environment for quite a while now, providing you with your own (scalable) dedicated resources and allowing you to configure privacy and security settings according to your wishes. We can also offer a processor agreement with this hosted Jitsi and we provide an SLA as standard. All this is of course hosted in our 100% Dutch and ISO 27001 & NEN 7510 certified data centers. It doesn't get any safer or more privacy friendly than this.
Want to know more?
Read more about what's possible here or contact us for more information. Request a quote for video calling within your own environment or try the free public version meetme.bit.nlRequest quote
"Man working from home in bed" by microbizmag is licensed under CC BY 2.0