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Emergency maintenance Ceph storage cluster
23-02-2023 00:00:00
- 23-02-2023 07:00:00
Urgency: Emergency
Affected services:
- Shared storage
- Shared hosting
- E-mail
Expected impact:
- Reduced redundancy
- Shared file system (CephFS) unavailable for a short time (possibly several times)
Customer intervention required: No
Reference number: 184090
From Thursday 23 February 00:00 to 07:00 BIT engineers will perform maintenance on the Ceph storage cluster. Customers with a CephFS shared filesystem and / or a shared hosting website will experience this as unavailable for a short time, possibly several times.
The Ceph cluster will get a software upgrade. During maintenance, CephFS will be unavailable for a short time, possibly several times. This maintenance was actually scheduled for February 24, but has been moved forward one day. We have moved this maintenance forward because we run into a number of restrictions in the current software version, that impact the functionality of CephFS. These are resolved with the software upgrade, so that we can create a stable environment more quickly. The window for February 24 remains open. If it turns out that everything can be successfully completed during the upcoming night's maintenance, the window for February 24 will be withdrawn.
Update placed at 23/02/2023, 1:55h
Maintenance has been successfully completed. The maintenance window for February 24 has been withdrawn. No further maintenance will be needed.
Affected services:
- Shared storage
- Shared hosting
Expected impact:
- Reduced redundancy
- Shared file system (CephFS) unavailable for a short time (possibly several times)
Customer intervention required: No
Reference number: 184090
From Thursday 23 February 00:00 to 07:00 BIT engineers will perform maintenance on the Ceph storage cluster. Customers with a CephFS shared filesystem and / or a shared hosting website will experience this as unavailable for a short time, possibly several times.
The Ceph cluster will get a software upgrade. During maintenance, CephFS will be unavailable for a short time, possibly several times. This maintenance was actually scheduled for February 24, but has been moved forward one day. We have moved this maintenance forward because we run into a number of restrictions in the current software version, that impact the functionality of CephFS. These are resolved with the software upgrade, so that we can create a stable environment more quickly. The window for February 24 remains open. If it turns out that everything can be successfully completed during the upcoming night's maintenance, the window for February 24 will be withdrawn.
Update placed at 23/02/2023, 1:55h
Maintenance has been successfully completed. The maintenance window for February 24 has been withdrawn. No further maintenance will be needed.