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Emergency Fiber Maintenance BIT-1 - Equinix AM7
28-02-2023 00:00:00
- 28-02-2023 06:00:00
Urgency: Emergency
Affected services:
- internet connectivity
- customer wavelength on this path
Expected impact:
- internet traffic will be rerouted automatically
- customer wavelength will be disrupted for a longer period of time
Customer intervention required: No
Reference number: 184238
The DWDM kit in BIT-1 has a faulty management interface. As a result we're unable to properly monitor the device. We will replace the device with a spare unit in this maintenance window. As a result, all waves between BIT-1 and Equinix AM7 will be disrupted for several minutes. Internet traffic will be rerouted via other paths.
This is a repetition of the failed maintenance from 17/02/2023 (https://bit.nl/r/3699/NaxdJj6u) which was reverted due to issues with the spare unit, and shall now be performed with a new chassis. All BIT and customer waves will be moved to the replacement kit during this maintenance window.
Update placed at 28/02/2023, 1:15h
The DWDM kit has been replaced successfully. All connections are operating as expected.
Affected services:
- internet connectivity
- customer wavelength on this path
Expected impact:
- internet traffic will be rerouted automatically
- customer wavelength will be disrupted for a longer period of time
Customer intervention required: No
Reference number: 184238
The DWDM kit in BIT-1 has a faulty management interface. As a result we're unable to properly monitor the device. We will replace the device with a spare unit in this maintenance window. As a result, all waves between BIT-1 and Equinix AM7 will be disrupted for several minutes. Internet traffic will be rerouted via other paths.
This is a repetition of the failed maintenance from 17/02/2023 (https://bit.nl/r/3699/NaxdJj6u) which was reverted due to issues with the spare unit, and shall now be performed with a new chassis. All BIT and customer waves will be moved to the replacement kit during this maintenance window.
Update placed at 28/02/2023, 1:15h
The DWDM kit has been replaced successfully. All connections are operating as expected.