Maintenance hypervisors virtual machines

Maintenance hypervisors virtual machines

27-11-2014 00:00:00 - 27-11-2014 07:00:00

On Thursday November 27th between 0:00 and 7:00 we will perform maintenance on our virtualization servers. During this maintenance window the following servers/services will be unavailable for a limited period of time.

* The DHCP server will not be available. Economy DSL lines will not obtain new dhcp leases, but connections will not be interrupted.

The mailing lists will not be available. E-mails to mailing lists will automatically be delivered after the maintenance window.
* DNS changes
DNS changes made during the maintenance window might be provisioned with a delay on our public DNS servers.

* reachability of BIT by phone
For a short period of time our 24x7 phone number, +31 318 648 688, will not be available. No impact on the VoIP services we offer is expected.

* webstats
Webstats will not be available, they will be adjusted after the maintenance window.

* virtual machines
The hypervisors running customer virtual machines will be updated. During a short period of time the virtual machines will not be available. All virtual machines will be stopped and started (powercycle). Furthermore we will conduct maintenance on the management software for the virtual machines. Managing the virtual machines in will not be possible.

If you have any questions regarding this maintenance, please contact the Customer Care department by phone on +31 (0)318 648 688 or by email on