Maintenance database server

Maintenance database server

21-09-2023 00:00:00 - 21-09-2023 03:00:00

Urgency: Planned
Affected services: Statistics in the BIT portal
Expected impact: Statistics will not be updated in the BIT portal during the maintenance
Customer intervention required: No
Reference number: 186864


During the maintenance, a hypervisor and a database servers will be updated. Because of this, statistics in the BIT portal will not be updated during the maintenance.


During the maintenance, a hypervisor will be updated. Some virtual machines with local storage will have to be shut down.

The server for generating statistics in the BIT portal will be offline during the installation of updates on the hypervisor. After the installation of updates on the hypervisor, the statistics server will be updated. This will cause statistics to be unavailable for a longer period of time during the maintenance.