Fiber maintenance BIT-2 - Interxion Science Park (AMS9)

Fiber maintenance BIT-2 - Interxion Science Park (AMS9)

02-07-2024 00:00:00 - 02-07-2024 06:00:00

Urgency: Planned
Affected services:
- Customer waves between BIT-2 and Interxion Science Park (AMS9)
- Traffic between BIT network and the internet
- A disruption of multiple hours for customer wavelengths
- Possible short disruptions of internet traffic
Customer intervention required: No
Reference number: 191996


Our fiber supplier will perform maintenance on our fiber between BIT-2
and Interxion Science Park (AMS9). AS a result, the fiber and all
customer waves we offer on that fiber will be disrupted for several


Road reconstruction works are carried out by the local authorities. The
fiber needs to be moved as a result. During this move, the fiber will be