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Maintenance building management system
19-02-2025 07:00:00
- 11-04-2025 17:30:00
Subject: Replacement building management system BIT-2ABCD
Urgency: Planned
Time window:
- 19/02/2025 07:00 - 11/04/2025 17:30 hrs
Affected services:
- Colocation in BIT-2ABCD
Expected impact: Slight increase or decrease in temperature
Customer intervention required: No
Reference number: 185383
The building management system at BIT-2ABCD will be replaced
The controllers of the building management system in all control cabinets of BIT-2 will be replaced one by one. This will be done in phases and will start on February 19, with a planned end date of April 11.
BIT datacenter engineers will supervise the maintenance and also monitor the temperature in BIT-2ABCD during the maintenance.
Urgency: Planned
Time window:
- 19/02/2025 07:00 - 11/04/2025 17:30 hrs
Affected services:
- Colocation in BIT-2ABCD
Expected impact: Slight increase or decrease in temperature
Customer intervention required: No
Reference number: 185383
The building management system at BIT-2ABCD will be replaced
The controllers of the building management system in all control cabinets of BIT-2 will be replaced one by one. This will be done in phases and will start on February 19, with a planned end date of April 11.
BIT datacenter engineers will supervise the maintenance and also monitor the temperature in BIT-2ABCD during the maintenance.