Emergency maintenance NetApp Metro Cluster

Emergency maintenance NetApp Metro Cluster

20-01-2015 17:30:00 - 20-01-2015 17:45:00

On the 20th of January, from 17.30 to 19.30 hrs, BIT engineers will be performing maintenance on the NetApp Metro Cluster of BIT. All services and clients that use shared storage use this Metrocluster.

During this maintenance we will upgrade the firmware on the four fibre bridges one-by-one. This means the redundancy of our metrocluster will be impacted for a few minutes during each upgrade, since only one path to the backing storage will be available. One single path has more than enough bandwidth to provide the storage functionality which is why we do not expect any impact on services provided.

Any questions or comments on this post? Please contact our Customer Care Department by email: support@bit.nl or by phone: +31 (0)318 648 688.

[NOTE: This maintenance was succesfully completed at 17.45hrs]