Maintenance MeetMe Rack BIT-2C

Maintenance MeetMe Rack BIT-2C

19-02-2015 00:00:00 - 19-02-2015 06:00:00

On Thursday February 19th between 0.00 and 6.00 hour engineers of BIT will perform maintenance on the MeetMe rack in BIT-2C.

The maintenance is necessary to comply with the growing demand for copper connections. Some of the patch panels will be replaced with models that offer a higher density of ports. Furthermore the panels will be relocated within the rack to create more space.

This maintenance might lead to a disconnect for several seconds and maximum several minutes. For racks with redundant connections the disconnects will not be at the same time as long as this is possible.

All uplinks to the internet, direct copper connections between customers and to other server rooms in BIT-1 and BIT-2 can be affected.

The following racks will be affected for sure:

- BIT-2C.1.13 till BIT-2C.1.25 
- BIT-2C.2.13 till BIT-2C.2.24 
- BIT-2C.3.12 till BIT-2C.3.24
- BIT-2C.4.10 till BIT-2C.4.17

Your racknumber can be found on our invoice.

If you have any questions regarding this maintenance, please contact the Customer Care department by phone on +31 (0)318 648 688 or by email on