Maintenance various services

Maintenance various services

16-04-2015 00:00:00 - 16-04-2015 07:00:00

On thursday april 16th BIT engineers will conduct maintenance between 00.00h and 07.00h on the following services:

* BIT's NetApp HA Cluster
Part of BIT's services are running on this cluster. During the maintenance this cluster will be moved to another location. The Windows shared hosting platform will not be fully redundant because of this.

* http-windows shared hosting platform
The two domain controllers of the shared Windows hosting platform will be updated to the latest patch level.

The two storage nodes of the shared Windows hosting platform will be updated to the latest patch level. In order to effectualize the changes the servers will swap the master-role several times. Sites running on the shared Windows hosting platform might be unreachable for a short time period.

The three web servers of the shared Windows hosting platform will be updated to the latest patch level. This will be done in a round robin fashion and should not have any impact.

* MSSQL instances
The MSSQL cluster servers will be updated to the latest patch level. In order to effectualize the changes the servers will swap the master-role several times. MSSQL 2008 and 2012 databases and MSSQL instances might be unreachable for a short time period.

* Shared Hosted Kerio Connect accounts
During the maintenance Kerio Connect will be updated to the latest version and the operating system will be updated to the latest patch level. During the maintenance customers with a hosted kerio connect account on might experience short disruptions in service availability.

* Virtualisation platform for customers
Maintenance will be conducted on the management software of the virtual machines. During the maintenance the management functionality of virtual machines in will not be available.

If you have any questions regarding this maintenance, please contact the Customer Care department by phone on +31 (0)318 648 688 or by email on