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BIT heats new visitor centre with residual heat from datacenter
This month, BIT started building the visitor centre 'BIT-MeetMe'. The entire building will be heated with the residual heat from the datacenter. Only one floor of the datacenter is needed to heat the entire 1200 m2 floor surface of the new building. By using underfloor heating, the temperature of the water does not need to be very high, so it barely needs to be raised. BIT already uses outside air to cool its datacenters. The cooled air is efficiently used by closed cold corridors in the datacenter. By using the residual heat too, BIT is moving forward even more in their CSR policy.
In the new BIT-MeetMe, BIT will be organising various seminars, offer clients the possibility to have meetings and to allow end users to get to know our datacenters. The BIT headquarters and BIT-MeetMe will be connected by a high-level bridge.
Alex Bik, BIT's CTO, on the expansion: "Corporate Social Responsibility is completely integrated in the way we work. This is not only expressed in our use of green energy and residual heat, but also in our sustainable human resources policy. We have asked our entire staff what they would like to have incorporated in the design for BIT-MeetMe. Many of these ideas, including a gym, will actually be realised. This also ensures that our IT specialists like to keep working for us for a long time, which benefits both us and our clients. The new BIT-MeetMe will be a meeting place for employees, clients and end users where everything revolves around hospitality and sharing knowledge."
On January 8, 2016, BIT will celebrate its 20th anniversary with a festive opening of the new BIT-MeetMe. Save the date!
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