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Hosted.nl on BIT
30-04-2015 13:40:03
Hosting.nl provides a full range of hosting and internet services for both the corporate and the private market. Characteristics are quality, flexibility and service. This is how they distinguish themselves in the market and achieve their ambitions. Hosted.nl has written an article on the services they purchase at BIT.
Since the beginning of Hosted.nl, we have been loyal clients of BIT. We have several racks with our own servers for our platforms in their datacenter. Next to the services we offer on our own servers, like Shared Hosting, Hosting Exchange, OnlineWorkplaces and VPS, our clients have the possibility to place their own dedicated server in the datacenter.
Clients sometimes opt for placing their own server in BIT's datacenter (collocation). The server is a lot safer and less vulnerable than it would be in an office. When we place their server in the datacenter, our client can count on good security. A datacenter is a safe environment in any case, but BIT's entry procedure even ensures there is no unauthorised access.
Why we chose BIT? BIT offers us the possibility to provide our services with our desired (high) quality. Also, the datacenter is close by, so in case of any problems, we can be there quickly. This means we can solve problems quickly, allowing our clients to get back to work as soon as possible.
Next to that, BIT is not bound by the Patriot Act. That means that the data in BIT's datacenter is not accessible to the United States, unlike some other datacenters. This allows us to guarantee more privacy for our clients.
On top of that is the excellent service. BIT ensures that we only need to drive out there in case of major emergencies. BIT's specialists are always on hand for the standard operations. Of course, we prefer to conduct these operations ourselves and we always do our own maintenance. BIT's stability is excellent and there is virtually no failure in the servers. This is a requirement for us, since we offer quality and stability.
BIT is continually developing when it comes to server attacks, energy conservation and safety. We share the most important value: quality for the client comes first.
Since the beginning of Hosted.nl, we have been loyal clients of BIT. We have several racks with our own servers for our platforms in their datacenter. Next to the services we offer on our own servers, like Shared Hosting, Hosting Exchange, OnlineWorkplaces and VPS, our clients have the possibility to place their own dedicated server in the datacenter.
Clients sometimes opt for placing their own server in BIT's datacenter (collocation). The server is a lot safer and less vulnerable than it would be in an office. When we place their server in the datacenter, our client can count on good security. A datacenter is a safe environment in any case, but BIT's entry procedure even ensures there is no unauthorised access.
Why we chose BIT? BIT offers us the possibility to provide our services with our desired (high) quality. Also, the datacenter is close by, so in case of any problems, we can be there quickly. This means we can solve problems quickly, allowing our clients to get back to work as soon as possible.
Next to that, BIT is not bound by the Patriot Act. That means that the data in BIT's datacenter is not accessible to the United States, unlike some other datacenters. This allows us to guarantee more privacy for our clients.
On top of that is the excellent service. BIT ensures that we only need to drive out there in case of major emergencies. BIT's specialists are always on hand for the standard operations. Of course, we prefer to conduct these operations ourselves and we always do our own maintenance. BIT's stability is excellent and there is virtually no failure in the servers. This is a requirement for us, since we offer quality and stability.
BIT is continually developing when it comes to server attacks, energy conservation and safety. We share the most important value: quality for the client comes first.