Maintenance various services

Maintenance various services

08-10-2015 00:00:00 - 08-10-2015 07:00:00

On thursday, October 8th between 0.00h and 7.00h we will perform maintenance on the following services:

The following load balanced services will be moved to new load balancers and will be unavailable for some time:
* websites on the shared Linux webhosting platform
* websites on the shared Windows webhosting platform
* the BIT website (
* BIT webmail (
* BIT customer portal (
If you are unable to subscribe for datacenter access please contact us by phone.

Up- and or downloading of website content to our shared Linux hosting platform through (S)FTP service will not be possible for short periods of time.

Kerio connect will be updated to the latest version and the operating system will be updated to the latest patch level. During this maintenance customers with a Hosted Kerio Connect account will experience short interuptions in the service.

The mailing list service provided by this server won't be availble during the maintenance window. E-mail messages sent to mailing listswill be postponed to be delivered at a later moment.

The databases on this shared MySQL- and PostgreSQL server will be unavailble for short periods of time. Sites that depend on the MySQL- and PostgreSQL server will not be available for short periods of time.

* http-windows shared hosting platform
The domain controllers of the shared Windows hosting platform will be updated to the latest patch level.

The storage nodes that serve the Windows shared hosting platform will be updated to the latest patch level. To make this effective the nodes will exchange their master role status a few times; sites that are hosted on this platform might be unavailble for short periods of time.

* MSSQL instances
The MSSQL cluster servers will be updated to the latest patch level. To make this effective the nodes will exchange their master role status a few times; MSSQL 2008 and 2012 databases and MSSQL Instances might be unavailbe for a few seconds.

* webstats
The website statistics will not be available for a short period of time. The website statistics will be updated normally.

* Virtualisation platform for BIT customers
There will be maintenance on the management software of the virtual machines. During this maintenance the management functionality of the virtual machines in won't be availble.

The hypervisors of the BIT customers virtual machine platform will be updated to the lastest patch level. We do not expect any noticable impact in the availability of the virtual machines.

If you have any questions regarding this maintenance, please contact the Customer Care department by phone on +31 (0)318 648 688 or by email on