Packetloss to part of BIT network

Packetloss to part of BIT network

14-12-2015 11:26:12 - 15-12-2015 01:00:00
Status: opgelost

We notice packetloss to a part of the BIT network. Our network engineers are investigating the cause of this loss. Follow the incident on our website for updates concerning this incident.
Update placed at 12.10
The probleem seems to be reserved to 1 blade on 1 switch. At 12.15h the blade will be rebooted, expected downtime is 2 minutes. In case the reboot does not solve the problem, the blade will be replaced. Expected downtime when it gets replaced is 15 minutes.
Update placed at 13.00
Unfortunately the problem is not solved by rebooting and replacing the blade. Therefore at 00:00h coming night the complete switch will be rebooted. All uplinks on switch rbfs1.bit-2b will experience downtime of approximately 15 minutes. You can check on your invoice whether your uplink comes from this switch. For customers with redeundant uplinks we will change the preference to the redundant uplink on the other switch.
Update placed at 16.10
Since the problem with packet loss is expanding to another switch, coming night both switches will be rebooted. See the maintenance announcement for further details.
Update placed at 00.10
This incident is resolved. Two network blades from rbfs1.bit-2c have been reset. All network components are completely redundant and no packetloss is seen ever since.