Emergency maintenance replacement core routers Ede

Emergency maintenance replacement core routers Ede

23-03-2016 00:00:00 - 23-03-2016 06:00:00

On Wednesday the 23rd of March between 0:00h and 6:00h emergency maintenance will be performed on our core routers in Ede. This is in response to the big network disruption on the 7th of March. During this maintenance both core routers will be replaced with newer, more powerful models. With the replacement of these routers we are confident that the effects of the disruption will not occur again.

Downtime is not to be expected, but brief interruptions during fail-over can be noticeable. Customers who have BGP-feeds with BIT will notice downtime of their BGP-session(s) during maintenance.

If you have any questions regarding this maintenance, please contact the Customer Care department by phone on +31 (0)318 648 688 or by email on support@bit.nl.